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Cloud Phone Systems: The Automotive Industry’s Best New Sales Tool

The automotive industry has gone through a good deal of upheaval over lockdown.

Now that restrictions are easing and our lives are starting to get back into gear, businesses are looking for advantages they can use to get a head start.

This blog article will explore how Cloud phone systems can benefit those working in the automotive sector. If you work in a dealership, auto repair or mechanic’s workshop, our systems can give you the boost you need to compete.

Call Routing

Auto attendants are nothing new, but our advanced systems include options for multi-level menus, PIN recognition and extension dialling. We can even integrate with state-of-the-art voice recognition systems. All of these features are designed to ensure that your callers are never held up or frustrated. Our IVRs practically guarantee that your customers reach the best team for the job every time.

If you operate over multiple sites, it’s a huge advantage to be able to share workload among sales and admin staff. The queues in our phone systems offer unmatched scope for customisation. Configure overflow sites and skills-based routing to minimise caller wait times, or record custom messages informing callers of your opening hours or any offers you’re running. Our phone systems can be tuned to your precise requirements, maximising your ROI and conversion rates.

New possibilities for a new world

Lockdown restrictions have forced the automotive industry to adapt its sales processes. It has taken some getting used to, but several advantages of remote selling have emerged in the last year. For example, video calls provide Covid-safe opportunities for sales.

A video tour of a vehicle is a fantastic way to showcase its features without needing an in-person meeting. Far more personal than a simple online advert, video tours give your sales staff the opportunity to get to know their customers.

Video tours can also be used to increase your operational efficiency. This provides a valuable intermediate step between your online listings and a visit to the showroom. In an industry with notoriously low conversion rates, our Unified Communications systems make it easier for your customers to make the decision to visit you.

Another new feature that Cloud-based VoIP systems unlock is the ability to promote as many phone numbers as you like. This lets you gain a presence in every area you operate in, giving all of your customers a local number to reach you on.

Call Analytics and Add-ons

Identify your strongest performers, target your marketing and improve sales processes with our call analytics module. Analysing your call records helps you track call patterns and identify your busiest times. This helps you make sure that no call goes unanswered, giving an instant improvement to your lead capture rate.

Call analytics also let you track which of your public phone numbers receive the most traffic, where your customers call you from. You may find some online listings sites more effective than others, so being able to easily identify where your customers found your contact details is hugely valuable.

Analytics can also help you stretch your advertising budget and reduce that all-important customer acquisition cost. Being able to identify the location of your callers helps you target your marketing even more effectively. This allows you to focus on your strongest areas.

Call Recording

Our call recording systems are compliant with all data protection regulations and provide a variety of useful benefits to your business.

We all know that phrase “calls may be recorded for training and monitoring purposes”; this is vital in the automotive industry, where leads are incredibly valuable.

Recording your calls helps you:

Train your sales staff by reviewing past calls and improving processes.

Monitor quality to ensure your staff provide the best service possible.

Eliminate disputes by keeping a record of exactly what actions were agreed.

CRM Integration

Integrating your phone system with your CRM makes client management a doddle. For example, simple click to dial features make it easier than ever before for your staff to follow up on every lead. Every call your staff make is automatically noted against the relevant client account. This saves even more time and gives an instant boost to accountability and organisation.

Your sales department isn’t the only team that can make great use of CRM integration. Servicing and after-sales care is where dealerships really build their reputations for excellence. We’ve found that service and parts departments see a massive increase in efficiency and customer service levels with a fully-integrated communications platform.

Screen-popping features are worth their weight in gold in service departments. Our systems allow your CRM to scan incoming calls for matches in your client database. Relevant vehicle details are then displayed to your staff as soon as they answer the call.

Imagine your mechanic greeting you by name, asking how your vehicle has been behaving since your last visit, and even reminding you that it’s nearly time for your annual service. As a customer, that level of service practically guarantees a boost in confidence.

We’ve been working with garages, dealerships, mechanics and more throughout lockdown to transform their communications, so we’ve got a proven track record in the automotive sector.

Do you want to find out more? Call us today on 03333 212 707 to arrange a free consultation.

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